
End of This Blog? Seems so.

To readers and subscribers:

I have long feared this day.

WordPress has changed to a clunky unusable (IMO) editor that creates horrible proprietary HTML code. Among other downgrades in the user interface. They apparently never heard the wisdom, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

They say they can restore the classic editor. For a fee.

No. So long, WordPress. Fun while it lasted.

Come visit http://mindfulwebworks.com for my original webworks.

DEM Election 2020 Foreshadowings

Below h/tย Paul Goldberg, NewsThud

Below is a real Biden ad, not a parody. The chutzpah on display here is unbelievable. Dems destroyed American-made. Joe ain’t bringing it back.

GOP Election 2020 Foreshadowings

(Turn the audio down for this one)

Below h/tย Braenyard on Aโ™ 

493ย Just wanted to say, spent time in three airport terminals today.

Not a single TV was tuned to CNN.

Posted by: Village Idiot’s Apprentice on Aโ™  at August 17, 2020 11:36 PM

Below h/tย Aceโ™